Standing the test of turbulent times

The number of stone towers and castles that litter the Borders landscape are testament to turbulent times that ebbed and flowed through the region for hundreds of years.

One of the best preserved is Smailholm Tower, a defiant landmark built on a rocky outcrop between Kelso and St Boswells and visible for miles around. To the English, Smailholm was akin to a red rag to a bull.

Built in 1450 by the Pringle family, Smailholm was at the centre of those turbulent times on more than one occasion with English raiders making a bee line for the bastion.

The family suffered terribly at Flodden in 1513 when David Pringle, the laird, lost his elder son and three brothers fighting the English.

Hostilties, however, ceased around 1548 when the then laird, John Pringle, became what was known as ‘an assured Scot.’ In essence he had cut a deal with the English promising not to raid south of the border or help efforts against the English when they came north. In return his lands were left alone.

Insolvency forced the sale of the tower after the death of Sir James Pringle in 1635, when it was bought by Sir William Scott of Harden. He built a house in the West courtyard and later the family moved to more comfortable habitation a few hundred yards away at Sandyknowe




It was here, in the brooding presence of Smailholm that Sir Walter Scott spent time as a child when recovering from illness and came to love the ballads of the Scottish Borders. He said that Smailholm, “standing stark and upright like a warden,” was a powerful inspiration.

Today, Smailholm is under the care of Historic Scotland and houses a range of visitor displays. They include a permanent exhibition of costumed figures and superb tapestries that illustrate Scott’s collection of ballads and the Borders violent past.

A new display this year includes artefacts that have been excavated in and around Smailholm, giving an insight into what life was like in an isolated Borders tower during the late medieval and early modern periods.

They include bone buttons, buckles, spurs, half a cannon ball and a number of early 17th-century clay pipes that suggest the Pringles were among the first in Scotland to take up smoking.  

Chris Tabraham, Historic Scotland’s principal historian, said: “I am delighted that these finds have gone on show for visitors to enjoy. Smailholm is a fascinating site and this excavation helped us put together a much better picture of what life would have been like for its inhabitants.

“It would have been a remarkable place to live – on the one-hand far more luxurious than the sort of homes most people lived in, but there was often the fear of attacks mostly from England,” he said.

The tower is open all year (weekends only in winter). Access is restricted for those with mobility problems. Tickets are £3.70 for adults, £3 for concessions and £1.85 for children.

Hermitage Castle - a study in belligerence | Duns Castle - Scottish Borders

Kelso Border Union Show
Grey Mare's Tail
Smailholm Tower
Scott's View
Melrose Abbey
The River Tweed

Generated in 0.877816 seconds by CMS Made Simple using 59 SQL queries and 15618704 bytes of memory (peak memory usage was 24807920)

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Initialize Database
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Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
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Initialize Smarty
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loading module Accommodation
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loading module CMSPrinting
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process template top
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process template body
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Content tree file needs loading
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(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '192'
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Debug display of 'Fetch content:Textblock-2 start':(0.757026) - (usage: 15745128) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:Textblock-2 end':(0.761052) - (usage: 15774128) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:banner_vertical start':(0.766195) - (usage: 15771168) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:banner_vertical end':(0.76805) - (usage: 15783824) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch globalcontent:banner-vertical start':(0.768183) - (usage: 15783888) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug: (0.768437) - (usage: 15791200) - (peak: 24807920)
start global_content_get_template
Debug: (0.768771) - (usage: 15822536) - (peak: 24807920)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/lib/classes/ = 30216 bytes for an approximate total of 1644824
Debug: (0.769805) - (usage: 15825312) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT htmlblob_id, htmlblob_name, html, owner, use_wysiwyg, description, modified_date FROM cms_htmlblobs WHERE htmlblob_name = 'banner-vertical' LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.770026) - (usage: 15825456) - (peak: 24807920)
end global_content_get_template
Debug display of 'Fetch globalcontent:banner-vertical end':(0.772464) - (usage: 15835976) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:first_block_title start':(0.772555) - (usage: 15836832) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:first_block_title end':(0.774471) - (usage: 15853144) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:first_block_content start':(0.774608) - (usage: 15853872) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:first_block_content end':(0.776616) - (usage: 15870704) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:first_block_link_text start':(0.776716) - (usage: 15870968) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:first_block_link_text end':(0.778732) - (usage: 15887856) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:first_block_link start':(0.778835) - (usage: 15887928) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:first_block_link end':(0.78081) - (usage: 15904760) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_title start':(0.780917) - (usage: 15904864) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_title end':(0.782913) - (usage: 15921672) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_content start':(0.783045) - (usage: 15922208) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_content end':(0.785166) - (usage: 15939048) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_link_text start':(0.785284) - (usage: 15939512) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_link_text end':(0.78721) - (usage: 15956424) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_link start':(0.787326) - (usage: 15956488) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_link end':(0.789191) - (usage: 15973280) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_title start':(0.789306) - (usage: 15973368) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_title end':(0.791182) - (usage: 15990264) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_content start':(0.791333) - (usage: 15990800) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_content end':(0.793353) - (usage: 16008704) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_link_text start':(0.793495) - (usage: 16009160) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_link_text end':(0.795618) - (usage: 16026000) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_link start':(0.795738) - (usage: 16026072) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_link end':(0.797817) - (usage: 16042872) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:special_box_title start':(0.797946) - (usage: 16042952) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:special_box_title end':(0.798824) - (usage: 16059760) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:special_box_content start':(0.798944) - (usage: 16060000) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:special_box_content end':(0.801007) - (usage: 16076840) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug: (0.802634) - (usage: 16141248) - (peak: 24807920)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/modules/Gallery/lib/class.Gallery_utils.php = 14048 bytes for an approximate total of 1658872
Debug: (0.803709) - (usage: 16144000) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT g.*, gp.hideparentlink, gp.editors, gt.templateid, gt.template, gt.thumbwidth, gt.thumbheight, gt.resizemethod, gt.maxnumber, gt.sortitems
        FROM cms_module_gallery g
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_props gp
        ON g.fileid=gp.fileid
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_templateprops gt
        ON gp.templateid=gt.templateid
        WHERE g.filename='footer/' AND g.filepath=''
Debug: (0.804157) - (usage: 16146632) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT *
        FROM cms_module_gallery_templateprops
        WHERE template='buddyGalleryFooter' OR templateid='buddyGalleryFooter'
Debug: (0.805651) - (usage: 16205592) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '2'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 1 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.806879) - (usage: 16218240) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT
                g1.*, g2.filepath AS thumbpath, g2.filename AS thumbname
                cms_module_gallery g1
              LEFT JOIN
                cms_module_gallery g2
                g1.defaultfile = g2.fileid
Debug: (0.807619) - (usage: 16255576) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '29'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.808322) - (usage: 16259160) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '5'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.80905) - (usage: 16262864) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '34'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.809762) - (usage: 16266424) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '3'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.810477) - (usage: 16270032) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '22'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.811163) - (usage: 16273720) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '33'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.811802) - (usage: 16277280) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '26'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.812446) - (usage: 16280888) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '24'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.813032) - (usage: 16284496) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '4'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.81375) - (usage: 16288224) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '32'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.814428) - (usage: 16291808) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '23'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.815032) - (usage: 16295440) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '30'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.815755) - (usage: 16299128) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '35'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug display of 'Fetch module_db_tpl:Gallery;buddyGalleryFooter start':(0.816835) - (usage: 16320656) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'CMSModuleDbTemplateResource startGallery;buddyGalleryFooter':(0.817118) - (usage: 16328128) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug: (0.817548) - (usage: 16332040) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'Gallery' and template_name = 'buddyGalleryFooter' LIMIT  1
Debug display of 'CMSModuleDbTemplateResource endGallery;buddyGalleryFooter':(0.817698) - (usage: 16347528) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch module_db_tpl:Gallery;buddyGalleryFooter end':(0.852047) - (usage: 16383880) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug: (0.852663) - (usage: 16382584) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'Gallery' and template_name = 'buddyGalleryFooter'
Debug display of 'Fetch globalcontent:footer3 start':(0.853112) - (usage: 16281584) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug: (0.85349) - (usage: 16288752) - (peak: 24807920)
start global_content_get_template
Debug: (0.85393) - (usage: 16292400) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT htmlblob_id, htmlblob_name, html, owner, use_wysiwyg, description, modified_date FROM cms_htmlblobs WHERE htmlblob_name = 'footer3' LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.854132) - (usage: 16291496) - (peak: 24807920)
end global_content_get_template
Debug display of 'Fetch globalcontent:footer3 end':(0.856513) - (usage: 16299168) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_body:40 end':(0.856606) - (usage: 16285648) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug: (0.856652) - (usage: 16284784) - (peak: 24807920)
process template head
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_head:40 start':(0.856707) - (usage: 16285448) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin cms_stylesheet/function':(0.862559) - (usage: 16347088) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug display of 'End Load Smarty Plugin cms_stylesheet/function':(0.86263) - (usage: 16347800) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug: (0.871498) - (usage: 16389592) - (peak: 24807920)
(mysql): SELECT DISTINCT A.css_id,A.css_name,A.css_text,A.modified_date,A.media_type,A.media_query,B.assoc_order
                     FROM cms_css A 
                    LEFT JOIN cms_css_assoc B ON A.css_id = B.assoc_css_id WHERE B.assoc_type = 'template' AND B.assoc_to_id = '40' ORDER BY B.assoc_order
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_head:40 end':(0.876901) - (usage: 16344680) - (peak: 24807920)
Debug: (0.877) - (usage: 16378504) - (peak: 24807920)
calling module TinyMCE from event ContentPostRender
Debug: (0.87719) - (usage: 16380120) - (peak: 24807920)
calling module CGExtensions from event ContentPostRender
Debug: (0.877549) - (usage: 16390288) - (peak: 24807920)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/modules/CGExtensions/lib/class.cge_headers.php = 3480 bytes for an approximate total of 1662352
Debug: (0.877625) - (usage: 16384256) - (peak: 24807920)
calling module Gallery from event ContentPostRender