Skirmish Field, Melrose
Things to do in Scottish Borders
in Scotland
Description: An area of water meadow across which runs the Southern Upland Way. This site saw a battle in July 1526, when Sir Walter Scott of Branxholm tried unsuccessfully to rescue the young King James V from the dominance of the Earl of Angus with his Ker and Home allies. In the ensuing rout, Scott lost eighty men and the victors lost Ker of Cessford.
Ownership: Private land but open riverbank.
Situation – OS ref: Nt533348
How to get there: By car: Off the B6374 Melrose to Galashiels road, behind Waverley Castle Hotel. Pathway leads from the right of the hotel down to the riverside. Park near Waverley Castle. By public transport: Regular transport from Melrose past Waverley Castle to Galashiels.
Seasonal opening details: All year
Opening Hours: During Hours of daylight
Additional Information
Web link: (where appropriate):
Places to stay nearby: Melrose
Local towns and villages: Darnick Melrose