Borders Railway Community Rail Partnership
Borders Railway, Community Rail Partnership (CRP) has been formed to maximise communication between those managing the line and the communities travelling on it, with the aim of ensuring supreme benefit for all.
A Community Rail Partnership (CRP) is a not for profit organisation of the same name that has the purpose of:
- Serving a community with shared needs and aspirations, linked by the railway
- Working with local organisations, businesses, and wider stakeholders to maximise potential benefits of the railway to the community
- Creating and championing initiatives which engage with the railway, offering clear, long term community improvements.
Do you have a project or idea that would improve the transport link? Would you like to be kept more informed about something in particular? Would you like more entertainment on a Station Platform? Do have your say, contact us and we will listen to your ideas and point you in the right direction.
For further information please contact Carol Byers at Borders Railway Community Rail Partnership
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