Advertise with Discover the borders
Our new tourism web magazine for the Scottish Borders - something to write home about
50,000 page views per month Cost effective advertising Your own magazine page for only £95.00 a yearOver the past 10 years the internet has gone from novelty to necessity.
In much less time than that, tourism has become the frontline industry in the Scottish Borders.
Changing times demand new approaches…
New thinking about how we engage with the market place and new ways of inspiring people to visit, stay and contribute to the local economy.
Discover the Borders is already a firm favourite with those planning a visit to the region, attracting over 50,000 page views a month. We expect our innovative new look site to attract even more attention.
Discover the Borders has been redeveloped as features, news and facilities based web magazine – a communications channel that’s exclusive to the tourism sector in the Borders.
The new look site, written and designed to help visitors plan ahead and make the most of their stay, will present a moveable feast of tourist related information celebrating the Scottish Borders in all its wonderful diversity.
And that includes a directory for providers like yourselves. In line with the other parts of the website, your entry will be presented in a bright, readable and attractive magazine style.
Experience tells us this is the best way to engage with customers.
You can book your magazine page, make regular changes and call on the help of experienced writers for only £95.00 a year?
Additional advertising opportunities are available as follows:-
Top of page banner panel (550 pixels wide x 160 pixels deep) @ £ 250.00 per year. Side panel (1024 pixels deep x 150 pixels wide) @ £300.00 per year. Box (250 pixels wide x 160 pixels deep) @ £80 per year.
For further information please use the form below to contact us