Scottish Borders accommodation

The Scottish Borders has an abundance of high quality accommodation for those planning a visit to the region.

Whether you are coming for a short break or an extended stay, a business conference or a fishing trip, we can recommend some great places where you can relax and make the most of your stay.

Discover the Borders is building up a comprehensive list of the best on offer in its accommodation section. Here you’ll find information about hotels, holiday cottages, bed and breakfasts and guest houses.

In keeping with the

Discover the Borders magazine style, each entry tells its own story and the page acts as a portal to the accommodation provider’s master website where you can find more information and booking details.

Elsewhere on the site there are a host of ideas and features to help you plan ahead and make the most of your visit to the Borders.

And when you follow up a booking from one of our pages we would appreciate it if you would tell them Discover the Borders sent you.



Stretching from the dramatic sandstone cliffs, secluded coves and sandy beaches of the Berwickshire coast, across open farming country, to the wind swept hilltops inland. From south of Edinburgh to the border, just a line on the map, albeit an important line, Northumberland is only a step away! The Scottish Borders offers an extensive array of holiday cottages to suit your taste.

Whatever the season, whatever your pace, the Borders has space - to ride, walk, cycle or drive, quiet country roads and paths which weave through the rolling border hills and valleys. Fish wonderful waters and golf in stunning settings, where you will see nature’s best! The charming Border towns and villages are a joy to visit, with local shops and places to eat, supporting local food producers.

The pride and passion of Borderers is well known! Steeped in history, traditions are kept very much alive with local events, as well as abbeys, castles and great houses to visit. You’ll also be spoiled for choice with inspirational work from the “craftsmen” of today, so you can take home more than just memories!

International get together for Clan Scott | Scottish Borders Hotels

Kelso Border Union Show
Grey Mare's Tail
Smailholm Tower
Scott's View
Melrose Abbey
The River Tweed

Generated in 0.942678 seconds by CMS Made Simple using 49 SQL queries and 15581408 bytes of memory (peak memory usage was 25338144)

Debug: (2.4999999999997E-5) - (usage: 1153792) - (peak: 1156848)
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loading adodb
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loading page functions
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loading content functions
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loading translation functions
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loading php4 entity decode functions
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done loading files
Debug: (0.003067) - (usage: 1238768) - (peak: 1283808)
Initialize Database
Debug: (0.007079) - (usage: 1531744) - (peak: 1543800)
(mysql): SET 
Error (1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1
Debug: (0.007171) - (usage: 1531040) - (peak: 1586104)
Done Initializing Database
Debug: (0.007235) - (usage: 1531296) - (peak: 1586288)
Initialize Smarty
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Done Initialiing Smarty
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Debug: (0.017802) - (usage: 2552520) - (peak: 2676736)
loading module Accommodation
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loading module Calendar
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Debug: (0.024276) - (usage: 3422184) - (peak: 3478648)
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Debug: (0.024507) - (usage: 3435768) - (peak: 3480176)
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loading module Captcha
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loading module CGExtensions
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loading module CMSPrinting
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loading module FormBuilder
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loading module CMSMailer
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loading module Forum
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loading module FrontEndUsers
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loading module Gallery
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loading module GBFilePicker
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loading module MenuManager
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loading module Printing
Debug: (0.044806) - (usage: 6224512) - (peak: 6304488)
loading module TinyMCE
Debug: (0.045463) - (usage: 6322984) - (peak: 6398072)
loading module TreeManager
Debug display of 'End of Loading Modules':(0.045912) - (usage: 6446448) - (peak: 6522376)
Debug: (0.046091) - (usage: 6451896) - (peak: 6563608)
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Debug: (0.05377) - (usage: 6505120) - (peak: 6633984)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content WHERE content_id = 133 AND active = 1 LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.05446) - (usage: 6594616) - (peak: 6676200)
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Debug: (0.055799) - (usage: 6670440) - (peak: 6766624)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '133'
Debug: (0.056452) - (usage: 6683552) - (peak: 6780176)
process template top
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_top:40 start':(0.056538) - (usage: 6684216) - (peak: 6794640)
Debug: (0.056729) - (usage: 6694496) - (peak: 6795264)
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Debug: (0.057742) - (usage: 6696288) - (peak: 6804320)
(mysql): SELECT eh.tag_name, eh.module_name, e.originator, e.event_name, eh.handler_order, eh.handler_id, eh.removable FROM cms_event_handlers eh
        INNER JOIN cms_events e ON e.event_id = eh.event_id
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Debug: (0.05842) - (usage: 6744008) - (peak: 6807200)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/lib/classes/ = 21360 bytes for an approximate total of 1342384
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                      FROM cms_templates WHERE template_id = '40' LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.066169) - (usage: 8528304) - (peak: 8590184)
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Debug: (0.081321) - (usage: 8573184) - (peak: 8747408)
process template body
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_body:40 start':(0.081387) - (usage: 8573848) - (peak: 8747408)
Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin search/function':(0.163233) - (usage: 8749864) - (peak: 8822512)
Debug: (0.163473) - (usage: 8761992) - (peak: 8860248)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_module_smarty_plugin_manager.php = 10608 bytes for an approximate total of 1361704
Debug: (0.164309) - (usage: 8762608) - (peak: 8866368)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_module_smarty_plugins ORDER BY module
Debug: (0.165047) - (usage: 8883320) - (peak: 8937176)
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Debug display of 'starting tree':(0.353858) - (usage: 9431048) - (peak: 9710232)
Debug: (0.354485) - (usage: 9432832) - (peak: 9710232)
(mysql): SELECT modified_date FROM cms_content ORDER BY modified_date DESC LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.354665) - (usage: 9432424) - (peak: 9710232)
Content tree file needs loading
Debug: (0.355037) - (usage: 9517848) - (peak: 9710232)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/lib/classes/class.cms_tree.php = 9656 bytes for an approximate total of 1472632
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Debug: (0.358101) - (usage: 9706408) - (peak: 9873184)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'Search' and template_name = 'displaysearch' LIMIT  1
Debug display of 'CMSModuleDbTemplateResource endSearch;displaysearch':(0.358285) - (usage: 9705416) - (peak: 9873184)
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Debug: (0.371884) - (usage: 9687304) - (peak: 9917944)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id IN (15,51,74,139,79,88,65,94,98,99,191,87,203,157,193,192,194,200) AND active = 1 ORDER BY hierarchy
Debug: (0.373815) - (usage: 9993248) - (peak: 10053792)
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Debug display of 'Start of Menu Manager Display':(0.375436) - (usage: 10097264) - (peak: 10208096)
Debug: (0.377496) - (usage: 10103944) - (peak: 10249080)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content FORCE INDEX (cms_index_content_by_idhier) WHERE content_id NOT IN (133,15,51,74,79,88,65,99,191,193,192,194,200)
Debug: (0.40118) - (usage: 10962872) - (peak: 11009464)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id IN (52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,66,67,70,72,75,76,77,78,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96,97,98,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107,109,110,112,113,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,129,130,131,132,134,135,136,137,139,140,141,142,143,144,145,146,147,148,149,150,151,152,153,154,155,157,158,159,162,163,164,165,166,167,168,169,172,173,174,175,176,177,179,180,181,182,183,184,185,186,187,188,189,190,195,196,197,198,199,201,202,203,204,205,206,207,208,209,210,211,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,221,222,223,224,225) ORDER BY content_id
Debug: (0.476148) - (usage: 21879728) - (peak: 21967584)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/lib/classes/contenttypes/ = 57736 bytes for an approximate total of 1614568
Debug: (0.517629) - (usage: 15039840) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '15'
Debug: (0.518851) - (usage: 15061504) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '51'
Debug: (0.531726) - (usage: 15218960) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '74'
Debug: (0.544752) - (usage: 15375344) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '79'
Debug: (0.549505) - (usage: 15432472) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '88'
Debug: (0.552439) - (usage: 15464672) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '65'
Debug: (0.555397) - (usage: 15504344) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '99'
Debug: (0.561328) - (usage: 15557968) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '191'
Debug: (0.563335) - (usage: 15566664) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '193'
Debug: (0.565224) - (usage: 15587152) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '192'
Debug: (0.567083) - (usage: 15603576) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT * FROM cms_content_props WHERE content_id = '200'
Debug display of 'Fetch module_db_tpl:MenuManager;tpl-buddy-009 // navigation-tpl-009 start':(0.568033) - (usage: 15617776) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'CMSModuleDbTemplateResource startMenuManager;tpl-buddy-009 // navigation-tpl-009':(0.568474) - (usage: 15625600) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug: (0.570177) - (usage: 15630000) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'MenuManager' and template_name = 'tpl-buddy-009 // navigation-tpl-009' LIMIT  1
Debug display of 'CMSModuleDbTemplateResource endMenuManager;tpl-buddy-009 // navigation-tpl-009':(0.570416) - (usage: 15632760) - (peak: 25338144)
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Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_link start':(0.777582) - (usage: 15898456) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:second_block_link end':(0.782958) - (usage: 15915248) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_title start':(0.783285) - (usage: 15915336) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_title end':(0.78886) - (usage: 15932184) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_content start':(0.789245) - (usage: 15932720) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_content end':(0.794739) - (usage: 15949584) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_link_text start':(0.795028) - (usage: 15950040) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_link_text end':(0.800481) - (usage: 15967944) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_link start':(0.800746) - (usage: 15968016) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:third_block_link end':(0.806157) - (usage: 15984784) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:special_box_title start':(0.806511) - (usage: 15984864) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:special_box_title end':(0.811923) - (usage: 16001632) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:special_box_content start':(0.812219) - (usage: 16001376) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch content:special_box_content end':(0.817691) - (usage: 16018240) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug: (0.820868) - (usage: 16083056) - (peak: 25338144)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/modules/Gallery/lib/class.Gallery_utils.php = 13960 bytes for an approximate total of 1628528
Debug: (0.822564) - (usage: 16085848) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT g.*, gp.hideparentlink, gp.editors, gt.templateid, gt.template, gt.thumbwidth, gt.thumbheight, gt.resizemethod, gt.maxnumber, gt.sortitems
        FROM cms_module_gallery g
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_props gp
        ON g.fileid=gp.fileid
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_templateprops gt
        ON gp.templateid=gt.templateid
        WHERE g.filename='footer/' AND g.filepath=''
Debug: (0.823318) - (usage: 16088464) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT *
        FROM cms_module_gallery_templateprops
        WHERE template='buddyGalleryFooter' OR templateid='buddyGalleryFooter'
Debug: (0.825819) - (usage: 16147416) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '2'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 1 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.827611) - (usage: 16160072) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT
                g1.*, g2.filepath AS thumbpath, g2.filename AS thumbname
                cms_module_gallery g1
              LEFT JOIN
                cms_module_gallery g2
                g1.defaultfile = g2.fileid
Debug: (0.82881) - (usage: 16197376) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '29'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.829916) - (usage: 16200960) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '5'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.830906) - (usage: 16204664) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '34'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.831913) - (usage: 16208224) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '3'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.832904) - (usage: 16211832) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '22'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.833946) - (usage: 16215520) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '33'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.835005) - (usage: 16219080) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '26'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.836112) - (usage: 16222688) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '24'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.837144) - (usage: 16226296) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '4'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.838117) - (usage: 16230024) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '32'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.839098) - (usage: 16233608) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '23'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.840071) - (usage: 16237240) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '30'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug: (0.841034) - (usage: 16240928) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT fd.*, fv.value
        FROM cms_module_gallery_fielddefs fd
        LEFT JOIN cms_module_gallery_fieldvals fv
        ON fd.fieldid = fv.fieldid AND fv.fileid = '35'
        WHERE fd.dirfield = 0 AND fd.public = 1 ORDER BY fd.sortorder ASC
Debug display of 'Fetch module_db_tpl:Gallery;buddyGalleryFooter start':(0.843072) - (usage: 16262448) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'CMSModuleDbTemplateResource startGallery;buddyGalleryFooter':(0.843531) - (usage: 16270056) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug: (0.844097) - (usage: 16273960) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'Gallery' and template_name = 'buddyGalleryFooter' LIMIT  1
Debug display of 'CMSModuleDbTemplateResource endGallery;buddyGalleryFooter':(0.844374) - (usage: 16289440) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch module_db_tpl:Gallery;buddyGalleryFooter end':(0.894511) - (usage: 16325928) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug: (0.895218) - (usage: 16324632) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT * from cms_module_templates WHERE module_name = 'Gallery' and template_name = 'buddyGalleryFooter'
Debug display of 'Fetch globalcontent:footer3 start':(0.895743) - (usage: 16224792) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug: (0.896156) - (usage: 16231976) - (peak: 25338144)
start global_content_get_template
Debug: (0.896581) - (usage: 16263208) - (peak: 25338144)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/lib/classes/ = 30112 bytes for an approximate total of 1658640
Debug: (0.897309) - (usage: 16266008) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT htmlblob_id, htmlblob_name, html, owner, use_wysiwyg, description, modified_date FROM cms_htmlblobs WHERE htmlblob_name = 'footer3' LIMIT  1
Debug: (0.897575) - (usage: 16265320) - (peak: 25338144)
end global_content_get_template
Debug display of 'Fetch globalcontent:footer3 end':(0.902391) - (usage: 16272992) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_body:40 end':(0.902552) - (usage: 16255848) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug: (0.902637) - (usage: 16254984) - (peak: 25338144)
process template head
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_head:40 start':(0.902742) - (usage: 16255648) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'Start Load Smarty Plugin cms_stylesheet/function':(0.914115) - (usage: 16317280) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug display of 'End Load Smarty Plugin cms_stylesheet/function':(0.91427) - (usage: 16318000) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug: (0.931803) - (usage: 16359992) - (peak: 25338144)
(mysql): SELECT DISTINCT A.css_id,A.css_name,A.css_text,A.modified_date,A.media_type,A.media_query,B.assoc_order
                     FROM cms_css A 
                    LEFT JOIN cms_css_assoc B ON A.css_id = B.assoc_css_id WHERE B.assoc_type = 'template' AND B.assoc_to_id = '40' ORDER BY B.assoc_order
Debug display of 'Fetch tpl_head:40 end':(0.941061) - (usage: 16315096) - (peak: 25338144)
Debug: (0.941313) - (usage: 16345296) - (peak: 25338144)
calling module TinyMCE from event ContentPostRender
Debug: (0.941606) - (usage: 16346912) - (peak: 25338144)
calling module CGExtensions from event ContentPostRender
Debug: (0.942198) - (usage: 16357072) - (peak: 25338144)
Loading /home/site1300/public_html/modules/CGExtensions/lib/class.cge_headers.php = 3472 bytes for an approximate total of 1662112
Debug: (0.942385) - (usage: 16351040) - (peak: 25338144)
calling module Gallery from event ContentPostRender