Things to do in Scottish Borders
in Scotland
Hotels and Guest Houses
Allanton Inn, Allanton, by Duns (01890 818927) (VisitScotland 3star Inn) Barniken House Hotel, 18 Murray Street, Duns (01361 882466) Chirnside Hall Country House Hotel, Chirnside (01890 818219) (VisitScotland 4star Country House Hotel) The Wheatsheaf, Swinton, by Duns (01890 860257) (VisitScotland 4star Restaurant with Rooms) The Craw Inn, Auchencrow by Duns (01890 761253) (Visit Scotland 3 star Inn) Plough Hotel, Leitholm, by Duns (01890 840252) The White Swan, Duns (01361 883338)
Bed & Breakfast
Ravelaw Bed and Breakfast, Whitsome, Duns (01890 870207) Maines North Lodge, Chirnside (01890 819171) Claymore Guest House, Duns, (01361 883652)
Self Catering Establishments Self Catering Holiday Cottages at Castletoun House, Castletoun House, Greenlaw,Telephone Number: 01361 810 547
A full list of Self-Catering Accommodation and Bed & Breakfast Accommodation in the area is available from Visit Scotland. (Customer Helpline 0845 2255121)